Oil Cutter XD is a heavy duty degreaser designed to cut film, oil, and grease from industrial parts, chasses, painted surfaces, and is an exceptional general-purpose floor cleaner. This product is safer than most other corrosive degreasers. Oil Cutter XD is biodegradable and does not contain petroleum solvents.
- Spray on heavy grease and oil and let sit for 5-10 minutes.
- Rinse with fresh water.
- For best results, rinse with high pressure water.
- DANGER – Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
- Wear protective gloves and eye protection.
- Do not breathe dusts or mists.
- Wash thoroughly after handling.
- Wear protective nitrile gloves and safety glasses.
- Avoid contact with skin or clothes.
Materials/Conditions To Avoid
- Soft metals such as aluminum or zinc.
- Strong acids